How do I sign up for a Local 37 membership card?
There are three options for Local 37 Members to obtain a Union card:
- Visit the CUPE Local 37 office for a paper application
- Speak to your Shop Steward to obtain a paper application
- Request to have a paper application sent to you via internal mail. If you would like a Membership card mailed to you – please contact the Local 37 office to provide your internal mail code for your work unit
Why is there a $5 fee for a membership card?
The $5 initiation fee is outlined in the Alberta Labour Relations Code, the legislation that defines the rules between Unions and Employers. The Code requires that a Union must obtain a minimum of $5 when a Member first signs a Union card. This is a one-time fee. Although the Code allows a Union to set a higher fee, Local 37 has always set our initiation fee at the lowest rate possible.
The principle behind this, is that a worker is obligated to pay Union dues if they work in a position that falls within a Union’s jurisdiction. However, the worker is not required to formally join the Union. In order to fully participate within the internal workings of the Union (attend meetings, vote in internal Union votes, hold an office such as steward, etc.), an individual must agree to join the Union of their own free will. This is signified by signing the Union application (known as the Union card) and paying the initiation fee on their own.
This system arose from a landmark Supreme Court decision in 1946. Supreme Court Justice Ivan Rand made the ruling that, while a member must pay dues for the benefits received from a collective agreement, this did not require the member to join the Union.
When are Local 37 General Membership meetings held?
General Membership Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.
No meetings are held in July and August.
You must be a card-carrying Local 37 Member to attend.
Meetings are currently being held virtually via Zoom. To balance the confidentiality of these meetings with access for our Members, please follow the steps below to attend:
- Contact the Union office at 403-269-5333 or to obtain the access code for the meeting
- When entering the Zoom meeting, please ensure your camera is on and that you identify yourself. We will need to confirm and record the name of all attendees. If a participant cannot be identified, they will be removed from the meeting
- Once the meeting starts, attendees will be given the instruction to turn off their camera if they desire to improve bandwidth
- If speaking, please activate your camera
How are Full-Time Officers, Executive Board Members, and Committee Members elected?
Elections for Full-Time Officers and Executive Board Members is held the first Saturday of March each year.
Full-Time Officers and Executive Board Members are elected for two-year terms in alternate years to ensure business continuity. To be eligible to run for an Full-Time Officer or Executive Board position, a Member must have attended at least fifty percent (50%) of General Meetings in the twelve (12) months immediately prior to the month in which the election is held.
Committee Members are elected annually, and Local 37 Members may sit on more than one committee.
What is a Trustee?
Trustees are responsible for reviewing Local 37’s official meeting minutes and audited financial records each year to ensure they are accurate and adhere to the Local’s bylaws, while making recommendations for future improvements.
Three Trustees are elected for three-year terms in alternate years. Elections for these positions is held the first Saturday of March each year.
What are the duties of a Shop Steward?
As a link between the Union and Employees, Shop Stewards are a critical component to Union success. They are friendly and trustworthy faces in the workplace, and are known to co-workers as someone they can go to for information or help. Much of the role of a Shop Steward is to listen and observe, ensuring the Employer is following the Collective Agreement.
A significant part of the role of a Shop Steward is to be there for the Members in the workplace. Shop Stewards advise Employees on their rights and responsibilities, pass along important information and answer questions Members have regarding the Collective Agreement.
An effective Shop Steward demonstrates a respectful attitude, is responsible for their actions and is reasonable in their thoughts.
If you are interested in becoming a Shop Steward for your work area, please contact the CUPE Local 37 office.
How can I report a concern in my workplace? Will it remain confidential?
Members are encouraged to reach out to the CUPE 37 office or to their Shop Steward with any questions or concerns about workplace matters.
All conversations and communication with our Members is treated with the strictest of confidence. Always remember, Local 37’s obligation is to you, the Member, and not to the Employer. No action is taken without the full knowledge of the Member.
Post-Secondary Scholarship Information
CUPE Local 37 offers two scholarships per year of $1000 each. The scholarships are awarded to Local 37 Active Members in Good Standing or to the children of eligible Members who are enrolled full-time in a post-secondary school.
The cut-off date for submissions is August 31 of each year.
The Scholarship Application Form, details for eligibility, and submission instructions are available under the ‘Member Services’ section on our website or you can obtain a copy of this information from the Local 37 office.